Choose your background color. When happy, use on your computer permanently, and acquire an acetate of the same color for reading printed pages.
The BrowseAloud program can read web pages out loud to you.
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About the Vancouver Island Dyslexia Association (VIDA)
What is VIDA?
VIDA stands for "Vancouver Island Dyslexia Association" ... VIDA 'is a Support Group providing Dyslexia Awareness and Training, for families and individuals, in addition to commercial, statutory and voluntary organizations in Western Canada
VIDA's Mission
Our mission is to change the balance and perception of how Dyslexia is perceived from being a negative to a positive attribute.
Understanding Those With Dyslexia
- Dyslexics think in a totally different way - in thoughts and pictures, not words.
- Identify a single Learning Style for recall.
- Dyslexics are very fast learners and thinkers.
- Remember that it is their speed of thought (fast) which affects concentration and focusing.
- Establish that their sight and hearing are good.
- Do not use medical terminology for dyslexia, as it compounds their notions of failure.
- Help establish their abilities, not difficulties.
Some Positive Attributes of People With Dyslexia
- Excellent overview capabilities.
- Speed of thought.
- Multiple perceptions.
- Excellent intuitive skills.
- Good inter- and intra-personal skills.
- Excellent supervisory and management material.
- Excellent teachers and trainers.
- Very good problem solvers.
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We are a Registered non-profit making company S-48348 (Victoria).
We are also a Registered Charity 86073 9432 RR0001 (Ottawa)
Please contact us if you would like to make a DONATION.
